Friday, April 2, 2010

Unacceptable Actions!

As we are having lunch at City Square together with Uncle Swee Lye and Aunty Christabelle, Mummy suddenly lose sight of Kaelyn.  I stand up and looked is not around here.  An attentative wait staff who was manning the entrance told us that Kaelyn walked out of the restaurant!!! 

Mummy panicked and ran out to find her.  By the time I spotted her, she was already like 50m away from the restaurant.. sprinting towards the kiddy rides which she didn't get to play when we walked pass earlier..

Mummy was terribly upset and angry with her behaviour.  Immediately I walloped and reprimanded her firmly like a typical mother would do.  She cried while walking back to the restaurant and was made to stand at a corner.  Mummy & Daddy explained to her that she is not allowed to go anywhere without our approval and we also told her horrible stories if she were to get kidnapped by bad people.  We really hope the message gets across her and she will not repeat this again.

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You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once. ~Polish Proverb Ticker Ticker