Monday, November 16, 2009

Nickelodeon Shopping Spree

Uncle Koeman's sms instantly get mummy to take half day leave for staff sale at his office. Mummy missed the sale last year and I must not missed it again this year.  It is so-so cheap.... smaller items are at $2 each, clothes at $5 each, backpacks at $10 each and luggage bag is only $15.  95% of the stuff are Dora items...


Happy fun shopping!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Speech Development

Some interesting conversations here with Kaelyn.  Some conversations made mummy's eyes rolled and sometimes it brought warmth to our hearts:

Conversation 1-
M:  Kaelyn, you didn't behave well at grandmother's house... you.......and...... Can you please......OK?
K:  Gesturing her hands near her ears - "I cannot hear you mummy!"
: (

Conversation 2 -
K: Daddy I want songs (children's CD) please!
M: Kaelyn, Daddy & Mummy want to listen to 933.

K: Daddy I want... I want songs please, thank you!!
M: Kaelyn, we want to listen to 933 please....thank you!

K:  (Are) you daddy ah???
: (

Conversation 3 -
M: Kaelyn, mummy fall sick already!
K: U fall sick?  U cough?
M:  Yes.
K: Touching my forehead and cheek... OK, I sayang you!  Muacks!
M:  Thank you Kaelyn!
: )

Conversation 4 -
Daddy was mopping the floor
K:  Daddy 小心..

Mummy was walking into the bedroom
K: Mummy 小心...滑滑的..
: )
You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once. ~Polish Proverb Ticker Ticker