Thursday, April 1, 2010

Confident Social Skills

After many failed attempts, Mummy has finally succeeded!  It was just a very simple task of asking Kaelyn to buy a bottle of Barley water.  She either clinged onto mummy or refused to speak up. Today mummy tried again.  Mummy was standing behind her without interrupting and here's the conversation:

Uncle:  Hello, what do you want?
Kaelyn:  I want Barley water (holding $2 note on her hand)
Uncle:  Do you want cold or not cold?
Kaelyn:  Cold!

While putting the bottle into a plastic bag, the uncle asked:  Can you drink cold or not?

Kaelyn nodded her head...  Kaelyn hand over the $2, retrieve the plastic bag from uncle and waited for her change.  Uncle returned her the change and she said "Thank you!"  Mummy praised her for the good job and she was very happy with herself too..

After buying the barley water, we bumped into her classmate, Rui Hong and they had a fun time together on the kiddy rides..


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You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once. ~Polish Proverb Ticker Ticker