Thursday, September 9, 2010

Poor Appetite

In recent weeks, Kaelyn has not been eating well.  Teachers also feedback that she is taking her own sweet time during meal time.  One mouth of food can "sit" in her mouth for a long time without any action.  As Teacher has to feed a few children at the same time, they can't be watchful on Kaelyn alone. 

Mummy also experienced lots of frustration when feeding her. She is chewing really slowly, stop a long time and chew again.  Sometimes she chewed too long and the food becomes dried up making it difficult to swallow so she has to spit it out.  Most of the time she couldn't finish her meal....Urgh...She will give excuses like she's full already or tummy ache to avoid finishing her meal.

After doing some research, Mummy bought a bottle of Solaray BabyLife Probiotics from GNC.  This white fine powdery probiotics has over 4 billion of living probiotics per gram.  Everyday she only require 1 tiny scope (the cute little scope is provided) of powder to be mixed with any drink/food.  It is odourless and tasteless.  After only about 3-4 days later, I'm not sure if its due to the probiotics but her appetite has really improved!! She didn't really eat a lot more but she sure eat much much faster than before and she manage to finish her food most of the time. 

This bottle cost about $48 and it needs to be keep refridgerated.  I'm so glad to have this product!!

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You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once. ~Polish Proverb Ticker Ticker