Sunday, May 23, 2010

Meet Parent Session

Kaelyn's school has come up with a 24-page booklet to show the child's progress at school.  There are 3 competency levels - (1) Not Yet    (2) Sometimes    (3) Often.

She has obtained mostly "Sometimes" in the observation booklet.  Only 1 item that Kaelyn has obtained "Not Yet" ie. I can bounce a ball in place and catch it with both hands.  Daddy only used 15 mins to show her and by the time Mummy came out of the shower room, Kaelyn already mastered the skill.  Good job Daddy!!

The other areas that she excelled in (obtained "Often")  are:
1.  I know how to follow oral instructions
2.  I can reproduce letter sounds
3.  I can recognise my own name
4.  I can write my own name
5.  I can copy & write some letters
6.  I know how to match by size, colour; shape, texture & type
7.  I know the days of the week
8.  I can count from 1-50
9.  I can identify the name shapes (triangle, square, rectangle, and circle)
10.  I show confidence when participating in classroom activities
11.  I can understand and follow classroom procedures
12.  I can jump using 2 legs
13.  I can turn my body in different directions
14.  I can put on and take off my clothes
15.  I can manipulate buttons
16.  I can participate in creative movement, dance & drama
17.  I am able to name, sing and hum 10-15 song titles

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You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once. ~Polish Proverb Ticker Ticker