Saturday, September 27, 2008

Kids-In-Charge: Play @ Work

Kaelyn's school has invited all the parents to attend this program - Kids-In-Charge: Play @ Work. Teachers introduced how games can help children to learn and the examples put forward to us are the Alligator's Swamp Game and Animal's Wheel Game.

The Alligator's Swamp Game
I must say they are quite creative. Other than the soft toy alligator, teacher use green army socks and sew eyes on it to represent alligators. The white glove stuff with cotton to represent monkeys. Children are tasked to save the monkeys without disturbing the alligators. They learnt to walk forward, cross over, walk sideways and backwards to complete the task.

Animal's Wheel Game
There are 3 animals on the wheel - rabbit, fish and bird. Children get to pick the animal by turning the wheel, wear the selected animal headgear and then mimic the animal sound. They also get to fix the puzzle of the animals.

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You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once. ~Polish Proverb Ticker Ticker