4 years old... this is a great reason or excuse to ask Kaelyn for some improvements. eg. 4 year-old have to sleep on her own, 4-year old have to drink your own milk, 4-year old cannot throw tantrums, 4-year old need to have lots of manners, 4-year old have to do things on your own and be independent etc.. What a year!! Hahaha...
Same as previous years, Kaelyn had her birthday celebration at school and at the 2 grandmother's house.
Chocolate cake from 姑姑
A little peck with thanks from Kaelyn to 姑姑. Specially prepared mee sua with eggs from Ah-Ma.
Celebration at 外婆家..nice blackforest cake
Birthday Celebration at School. Nice Barney cake but if possible Mummy will not order from Prima again.. the blue colour cream at the side couldn't come off after I wash my hands with soap.. terrible colouring!!
Happy birthday my precious girl!!
Lots of Love, Hugs and Kisses from Mummy & Daddy!!