Saturday, December 31, 2011

Her First

Its the time of the year again for the Hokkien Huay Kuan's annual performance.  We were a bit reluctant to let her particpate again as we have to bring Kaelyn to many many rehearsals at extended hours, sometimes 3 hours straight with parents having to pack lunch for them.  Also, parents have to pay for their costumes, tickets to the show and DVD of the performance for keepsake.  It's manpower, time and money all coming from the parents for the child to gain confidence and fun. 

We tried to dissuade her but she was very keen so we just let her take part.  This year, her class led by 叶家真 老师 presented the Red Lantern dance.  Her costume was all red.. dressing just like for CNY.  On the day of the performance, she have to report at  NUS Centre for the Arts in the early afternoon for the final full dress rehearsal. 

Finally the show started at around 7 pm with a big surprise for Daddy & Mummy.  This year they have set aside a prize presentation for all levels of dance students who have performed very well during the dance exam.  Only 2 per class were given the commendation and Kaelyn was one of them together with her classmate cum partner Liang Qi.  We were all calling her name when she was on stage and was  very very happy in her winning. 

This is her first own self-earned prize which is from her own sheer hardwork and interest in dance. 

After her performance, she was so hungry... wipe up the bowl of porridge in a few minutes and then pose happily with her prize.

Congratulations my 宝贝.

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You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once. ~Polish Proverb Ticker Ticker