Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sense of Gratitude

Kaelyn was at 外婆外公 house whole of last week for 3 reasons - 1. unwell, 2. severe mosquite bites 3. School have 2 HFMD cases.

It has been a week already and she's back to school. Whenever she see her legs, she'll point at the scars and say Ah Gong, Ah Ma.

We were having dinner at mother in law's house and she started doing it again. Mother in law ask 是不是这个阿公 (pointing at my father in law)? She shake her head. Little sweetie knows exactly who has been taking good care of her. That is sooo.. sweet!

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You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once. ~Polish Proverb Ticker Ticker