Sunday, June 29, 2008

Murmurs Playground @ National Museum

This playground encourages children to play using the senses of sound, sight & touch. It is divided into:

1. Tumbling Maze - children can crawl and feel their surrounding within the maze.
2. Musical Chef - Hanging utensils & cultery have been suspended from the ceiling and walls to encourage children make sounds with the objects
3. Amphiltheatre - a ball pit for a quick dip
4. Lolli-Poppy - See & play with soft sculptures in the shape of lollipops that will create a sound when pressed.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

臭臭 & 纸飞机

Kaelyn loves her 臭臭 aka bolster. This was a handmade gift from Auntie Shoo Chee and my sweetie has been using this since birth. Besides using this to cover her face when she goes to bed, she either like to hold it on one end and drag it on the floor as though she's bringing a dog out for a walk or enjoy putting it on her head and we'll sing "lu la la lu la la ... (大长今 song)... hahaha.. coz that looks like those 娘娘 in the show.

This is the 1st art piece which she made it at school - 纸飞机. Mummy has bought some colourings from Popular and perhaps we'll find some time to do painting at home.

Sense of Gratitude

Kaelyn was at 外婆外公 house whole of last week for 3 reasons - 1. unwell, 2. severe mosquite bites 3. School have 2 HFMD cases.

It has been a week already and she's back to school. Whenever she see her legs, she'll point at the scars and say Ah Gong, Ah Ma.

We were having dinner at mother in law's house and she started doing it again. Mother in law ask 是不是这个阿公 (pointing at my father in law)? She shake her head. Little sweetie knows exactly who has been taking good care of her. That is sooo.. sweet!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Which Day of the Week?

Everybody know when is their own birthdate but does everyone know which day of the week is your first cry?

After trying to search for old calendar for some time, I finally bumped into this website - Just key in details of your birthdate and a 4-page long analysis will be churned out for you. Some interesting details about Kaelyn:

As of today, Kaelyn is 1 years old. 20 months old. 90 weeks old. 630 days old. 15, 126 hours old. 54453807 seconds old. Hahaha... so precise..

Your birthstone is Tourrnaline. Pink Tourmaline promotes female balance and protection. Your birthtree is Hazelnut Tree - charming, undermanding, very understanding, knows how to make an impression etc.

Your fortune cookie reads: Good things are being said about you.

Oh, btw, Kaelyn is born on Tues, Daddy is on Wed and Mummy is on Thurs...

Monday, June 23, 2008


Intend to sell this box of flash cards. Bought at $60, selling at $49. Absolutely new - bought less than a month ago and used less than 5 times. Trying to use it more often but not been successful. Instead of waiting for cob web to appear, I might as well sell it soon while the condition is still tip-top!

This box of flash cards have 21 topics :
1. Aspirations 2. Comparisons
3. Dots 4. Dreams
5. Expressions 6. Foreign Languages
7. Guess What 8. Images
9. IQ 10. Memories
11. Movie Effect 12. Music
13. Order 14. Patterns
15. Pictures 16. Positive Words
17. Puzzles 18. Sensorial
19. Sequences 20. Shapes
21. Sounds

Any takers? Spread the word..

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


话说当年,有一个将军飞鸽传书给娘娘。 密函指城门被两名黑衣人攻破, 小郡主被拐走了, 死伤无数。后来才得知这两名黑衣人就是退隐江湖数十年的神雕侠侣。

这两位大侠听闻小郡主被毒蝎子咬伤后, 久久不见起色,便铤而走险把小郡主带到长白山。大侠以苦练多时的玉女心经帮小郡主去毒,然后以珍贵草药及千年灵芝敷药。



将军- 爸爸
娘娘- 妈妈
毒蝎子 – mmm..应该是蚊子吧!
小郡主- 依璇

A little tip from Kaelyn's Chinese Teacher - apply white vinegar once bitten by mosquito. White vinegar help to ease the itch!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Post Disaster Day 1

The disaster day episode on Sat have yet finished. On and off, Kaelyn kept having some fever on an average degree of 37.5. Today is the 9th day and it went up to 38.5 deg. We decided to bring her to KKH!

There isn't any crowd when we reach KKH at 9.30 am. In less than 20 mins, we've completed all the initial checks, registration and consulted the doctor. Doctor asked the nurse to take Kaelyn's blood through her little finger and x-rayed her chest. The only last thing is to collect her urine using the urine bag that was taped on her. Mummy thought we are really lucky to be able to do so many checks within such a short time! on to see if such luck really follow us..

To collect her urine, we have to wait for her to pee. Doctor say we can have a nice breakfast first while waiting. By 10.30 am we were already in the food court for breakfast. Daddy bought Kaelyn her favourite bread. While feeding her bread, we try to make her to drink more water. She has drank like probably 4 oz of water. Check, check, check... no urine!

Kaelyn fell asleep in the stroller. 3 good hours have passed and she finally woke up for her milk. Check, check, check... still no urine! 外公 came all the way to KKH to check on us by then. Knowing that Kaelyn's water intake is usually low, Mummy bought a can of chrysanthemum tea for her, hoping that she'll drink more and pee... faster... Daddy is complaining that the chrysanthemum tea is toooo sweet! Mummy is just too tired to answer him even though he has repeated the same statement for a few times. Besides making her drink more water, what is the next better alternative? I guess is waiting... but we have already waited for 4-5 hours already for 那泡尿!! Urgh....

After drinking some chrysanthemum tea, she finally pee... wah, the feeling is like striking 4D... hahaha... quickly, we hurried to the nurse. Guess what! The nurse have changed shift already!! Another nurse came to remove the urine bag for the test. Within 10 mins, Doctor called us to explain that Kaelyn's urine is ok. Her chest have some infection and her blood test supported the findings. We were given medicine and left KKH only at around 4.30 pm! Carpark charges was $12. That bag of urine easily cost $10!! Kekeke...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Finding Fun on My Own!

Pockets can be so fun...Look at that grin!

Kaelyn having fun with her diaper.

Kaelyn displaying her fine motor skills.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

La La La....

Kaelyn was singing and clapping happily in the car.. Seriously I have no idea what she was singing. Can anyone help to decipher?

Disaster Day

We finally find some time to do some shopping on Sat. Kaelyn dozed off upon reaching Orchard so both of us had a good time window shopping with her sleeping on the stroller. After about 2 hours of sleep, she finally wake up and it was about time we leave for mother-in-law's house. On our way to the carpark, our dear darling puked. She vomitted and vomitted... her porridge and milk dirtied her clothes and stroller despite Daddy's efforts to "save" the output by cupping his hand... it was just too much.

晴天霹雳, we forgot to bring extra clothing leh!! Mummy frantically rushed to bossini, mothercare and marks & spencer to get extra clothing for her to change. Daddy bought a shower gel to wash her. The water was too cold to wash her so we juz dry-wash her quickly and changed into the new clothing. She vomitted another 3 times before reaching the clinic. Doctor say she has some viral infection!

No wonder her grandmothers hated the smell of cheese/milk. It was like a stink bomb when I opened the plastic of dirty clothing!! Daddy spent quite some time trying to figure out how to remove the cover of the stroller. He then realised that the seat belt which was badly stained could not be removed. So the whole stroller went to the bathroom for a good shower! Hahaha...What a disaster!
You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once. ~Polish Proverb Ticker Ticker