Friday, October 23, 2009

Morning Blues

Kaelyn has been so difficult for many months on every morning. 
She refuse to drink milk, refuse to change into uniform and refuse to put on shoes.  From threats... to bribery ... to beating... nothing seems to work after a while!

Milk intake is very crucial for her age and she is already drinking so little milk (2 x 140 ml a day).  So to allow her to skip her milk in the morning is a straight no-no for me.  In order to make her drink her milk, it has caused mummy to be late for work every morning.  Sigh!!

My mind has been thinking of ways to make her drink milk eg. re-introduce her milk bottle, change her milk power, change into other flavours etc.

Mummy briefly mentioned about this problem to a colleague whom I met in the lift.  She suggested mummy to learn about Super Nanny's techniques.  After finding out more about Super Nanny, I've introduced the Naughty Corner (NC) for the last 4 days.  When the child's behaviour is unacceptable, she'll be warned to behave.  If she continues to misbehave, she'll be brought to the NC for 3 mins (if child is 3 YO).  When time is up, mummy will explain why she is at the NC and if she give in and apologise, the child will be taken out of the NC.  If not, the child will continue to stay at the NC for another 3 mins.  The cycle will continue until the child gives in. 

This little corner is the NC.  Kaelyn has to sit on the floor if she is being put at the NC.  NC has to be safe with no access to toys & TV etc.

This is not from Super Nanny - Mummy introduce a reward corner.  A sticker corner to reward her good behaviour.

The blue paper is a reward corner.. she'll take her sticker and paste it here proudly.

The first day, Kaelyn was at the NC for 2 was not too bad.

Come Day 2, she was there for about 5-6 cycles.. I was very late for work and nearly gave up.  Luckily she gave in, apologise to mummy and finish her milk quite quickly.  To change her behaviour, I really need a lot of perseverance... and of course I need time to win the battle!

Day 3 & 4 - she was always sleepy and grouchy in the morning.. but these 2 days I saw some improvements.  When she gets her first warning, she will listen and cooperate quickly.  Kaelyn will also not forget her sticker reward after she accomplish her task. 

The Super Nanny techniques seems to be working well for now and hopefully I can tame this little princess of mine!  Fingers crossed!

3YO Check Up

Kaelyn's 3YO Check-up results:

Weight: 12.10 kg (25 Percentile)
Height: 96.5 cm (75 Percentile)

Doctor has issued us the Certificate of Vaccination which we need to furnish for inspection in future for her admission to Primary 1.

I like 姐姐...

Today Kaelyn requested 心姐姐 to feed her dinner. 

姐姐 was very patient to Kaelyn and she managed to finish her dinner in a flash! 

How mummy wish to possess that kind of power and ability ...Hahaha..

Happy Deepavali

Happy Deepavali to all!!


Notice how long the pants are... hahaha..


I think we can use the same dress for next year's Deepavali... Its a little too big for her.  Hahaha..

Friday, October 2, 2009

Mid-Autum Festival 2009

中秋节快乐!  Our quick lantern walk at the grassy patch near our house...

Birthday Celebration (Part 3)

Birthday Celebration at school with all her friends.  All the children were so excited when they saw the Mickey Mouse cake from Bengawan.  Kaelyn picked the picture herself.  The chef drew the mickey mouse on the cake (I believe with the help of some stencils!), unlike some cakes that uses tons of sugar to do the picture.  Kaelyn was so happy...




All the children sang the birthday song for her...

Happy Birthday my dear Kaelyn!  Time flies and you are now 3 years old...Love from Daddy & Mummy!

Birthday Celebration (Part 2)

Birthday celebration at 外婆's house.  A very rich Cholocate Classico cake from Four Leaves.  外婆 also gave Kaelyn an ang bao for her birthday.  Thank you!


Birthday Celebration (Part 1)

Kaelyn's actual birth date falls on Sat. As we have to attend a wedding dinner on her actual day, all her birthday plans have to be 1 week in advance.

This year, we did not arrange an off-site birthday party due to H1N1. So it is just celebration over a cake.

姑姑 bought a mango cake from Rive Gauche.. very moist cake with generous slices of mangos.


After buying the mango cake, 姑丈 spotted the 2 little cakes from Polar.. In the end, Kaelyn has 3 cakes for her birthday celebration.. hahaha..


Angbaos from 姑姑 & 大伯.  Thank you!!

Lunch at Peony Jade

小姨 has craving for Dim Sum so here we are at Peony Jade. Food is not too bad but service is so so slow.


These 2 dishes are from the special menu.  This dish is call Dumbo (小笨象) .. with a long trunk.  It is actually glutinous rice with chicken & minced mushroom.

And this is Little Rabbit ( 小白兔)  - Steamed egg white with coconut flakes.  Kaelyn like the cutie rabbits...

You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once. ~Polish Proverb Ticker Ticker