Monday, April 6, 2009


Kaelyn has been promoted from toddler class to playgroup class starting this week. 王老师 always complained to mummy that Kaelyn always skip her toddler class and join Teacher Yati's playgroup class instead. If her mood is good, she'll attend her toddler class. Hahaha... sorry 王老师.. Kaelyn likes to attend the playgroup class because the playgroup class has her favourite teacher and friend (Teacher Yati & Anna).

Finally she can 大大方方的 join the playgroup class. Yeah!!

Hat! Hat!

The FOC hat that comes with the huggies pull-up pants have became smaller or rather, her head has grown hahaha... Hence Mummy have brought her a new hat. Hat is one of her props when she watches her favourite Hi5 and Barney. She name her hat after the Hi5 song - Switching Hat!

Sing Along...

Can anyone guess what song is Kaelyn singing? It was the song of an outstanding SBC TV drama series. Aiyoyo.. 你猜到了吗?

Watch this Video for the answer.
You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once. ~Polish Proverb Ticker Ticker